The Correct Term: Waistcoat or Vest ?

Words by, Igee Okafor

Photography by, Spherical Co.

These past few months, I have become very fond of a certain clothing item that has fostered divided thoughts on its correct label. Americans refer to it as a vest, and the English refer to it as a waistcoat. Ideally, the only difference between the two terms is a matter of where one resides.

A waistcoat is an item of clothing that is traditionally a third of the classic three piece suit. It shields the upper half of one's body, has no sleeves and is close fitting with a cinch in the back to adjust accordingly. A vest is an item of clothing that is traditionally a third of the classic three piece suit. It shields the upper half of one's body, has no sleeves and is close fitting with a cinch in the back to adjust accordingly. Point being, they're both the same.

Sure, the "vest" is seen more as an informal choice to be worn casually while a waistcoat is supposed to be worn formally underneath a jacket with a shirt and neck tie. However, both can do the job since they serve very similar objectives.  

I prefer the term "waistcoat". There is more of an original ring to it. 


Wool Vest / Institchu . Milano Fit Original Polo Button-Down Oxford Stripe Dress Shirt / Brooks Brothers . Neck Tie / David Fin . Trousers / Brooklyn Wolf

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