Masterly Advice on Building Your Social Brand from Blake Scott

Words by, Igee Okafor & Blake Scott

Photography by, Nick Urteaga

Blake Scott , founder of The Scott Effect is one of menswear's leading talents. As a lifestyle content creator based in Los Angeles, Scott has been able to influence almost 500,000 admirers all over the world with his polished take on menswear, and travel. Since the start of his blogging career in 2013 consisting of branding, consistent quality content creation, and a variety of partnerships, Scott has been recognized by the likes of GQ, Buzzfeed and the L.A Times - for his influence, hard work and exquisite taste. Seeing as though Scott has managed to garner all of these accolades in a span of 3-4 years projects that his work ethic is something to admire and aspire to. 

On Scott's most recent trip to New York City, we were able to meet for the first time over breakfast at NoMo Kitchen located inside the NoMo SoHo Hotel. Fairly astonished by his compelling attractiveness and his staunched devotion to learning about others in order to find a common ground, I decided to pick his brain a bit about a variety of topics. One of which focused on frequently asked questions we both receive about self-branding in our industry.  

Fleeting responses from the lifestyle content creator, extends below.

  • For people who do not understand the concept of making a living through content creation, talk a bit about what you do. 

I work for myself. I am a social media influencer, otherwise known as a blogger. I work with a really talented group of people who help keep things fun and focused. What that consists of is creating digital content specifically around menswear, travel and lifestyle ventures. I run a menswear blog that features written and visual content in collaboration with a diverse range of brands, photographers, videographers and influencers. There's a lot of travel, idea pitching, editorial planning, researching, and calendar construction that goes into the way I work. I'm lucky because I do not get to do the same thing all the time. Sometimes, I am in front of the camera, sometimes I am creative directing, sometimes I am creating copy. 

  • In what ways have social media helped you, and on a larger scale, changed the formula of dreams and possibilities?

Social media definitely changed the way opportunities are presented to me. It allowed me to turn my hobby into a business because I have been able to put myself on a platform that made engaging with different kinds of people and brands more attainable. On a more personal level, I have been able to make some good friends and grow creatively due to the amount of quality work I am exposed to. 

On a larger scale with dreams and possibilities, I think social media proves that anything can happen once you have a goal, and work hard to achieve while making it a point to engage with the people who believe and support what you do. We see rising stars everyday who started on social media. A few years ago, the idea would have seemed foreign. 

  • What is the best way for one to stand out in a market that is so saturated? 

My best advice for standing out is to simply drive authentic content. So many bloggers today start a blog or an Instagram account with a driving force of making money. People who enjoy consuming authentic content are smart, and they're able to read through it. Be authentic, do what you do in a style that is signature to you and be consistent. That's my secret. 

  • Is there a correct way to personal branding?

Personal branding is super important. Whether you're being recognized through a specific hashtag like #BlakeScott or a certain look (hair, clothing, sunglasses), it all gives people a sense of who you are - as a person, and as a brand. If you do fashion, focus on fashion content. If you sing, focus on creating the best content around singing. Whatever you do, always make sure you're representing yourself to the fullest in the best light. Show growth, show improvement. It makes it easier for people to build a digital relationship with you. 

  • Is there an incorrect way to personal branding?

Yes! Not branding at all. 

  • What is the best advice you have received as it pertains to building your personal brand?

The best advice I have ever received about building my personal brand is to always be true to myself. That entails avoiding all the noise and distractions of my peers and not to letting what they do get in my way. Stick to your plan and see it through. 

Thank you for reading!