Everything A Gentleman Needs To Know About Whisky

Words by, Peter Minkoff

Photography by, Nick Urteaga


The article below is a featured guest post enunciated, and written by lifestyle writer at Men-Ual magazine UK, Peter MinkoffSpecially written for www.igeeokafor.com. Edited and Approved by, Igee Okafor.


There’s nothing better in the world than drinking fine whisky and enjoying some fine company. However, when it comes to the former, not all brands of whisky are the same and some of them provide you with a completely different experience than the others. If you’re a true gentleman, you need to know these differences and be certain you’re drinking the right kind of whisky at the right moment, so here’s what you should learn about this amazing drink as soon as possible.

  • The Types

Once you’ve decided to start drinking whisky, the best thing you could do is start trying out different types and see which one is going to suit you the most. Some of the most popular types include barley- or grain-based Scotch; Irish, which is made from grain mash; and Tennessee, an American-based type that goes through a process of charcoal steeping before fermentation.

Additionally, you can opt for bourbon, an American whisky made from corn; rye whisky, that’s a bit spicier than other types; and Japanese barley-based whisky as well. Of course, in order to really learn the difference between these, you have to try them all, so get started today!

  • The Popularity

Defining why whisky is so popular all around the world may be the hardest job ever, because different men love it for different reasons. Some enjoy its smell, others prefer the taste, while the third just can’t get enough of the feeling of freedom and manliness it gives them.

The point is that you don’t have to know everything about whisky to appreciate its value and most of us just love drinking it because it’s exciting, fun and manly. These are also the three of the most important reasons behind its popularity and why you can see it in so many TV shows and Hollywood movies – the actors who want to be perceived as exciting, fun and manly don’t drink vodka or any other drink, but stick to whisky and thus make it even more popular.

  • The Personal Touch

Now, if you really want to become a true connoisseur and know everything there is to know about whisky, you simply have to try one that comes from a crafted distillery. These are private, usually family-based distilleries that produce and ferment their own whisky, putting it on the market, but also leaving a batch or two for themselves as well.

The popularity of these distilleries has constantly been rising in the past couple of years, especially in developed countries like Australia, so finding a fine crafted whisky that’s going to suit you shouldn’t be that hard. Keep in mind that the taste of these whiskies might be different from the ones produced by big brands, but it’s definitely going to be unique and enjoyable.

  • The Process

Unlike other spirits, you shouldn’t down whisky in just one long sip, but enjoy it over a period of time and appreciate its value gradually. There are lots of ways to degust it, and you should always do whatever suits you the most, but keep in mind that whisky has a high alcohol percentage, so don’t drink it too fast – you’ll not just miss the opportunity to realize its taste, but also get drunk in a matter of minutes. That’s why you need to learn how to drink it like a man and really understand why it’s so special.

Whether you prefer it neat or on the rocks, whisky is the perfect drink and in this world that’s so crazy and confusing, you need to find something that’s going to bring a dose of class, elegance and serenity into your life – and there’s nothing classier than a glass of fine whisky!

Thank you for reading!